The social work department is one of the newest and most important programmes at the ROP.
Our dedicated and experienced social work team do the kind of work that can often be ignored because it is more challenging.
The ROP social work team performs a variety of tasks that include:
- tracing the families of the children we care for. This can be a lengthy and difficult task
- trying to repair the relationships between our children and their families
- offering counselling, training and career guidance to family members of our children to help them become more stable
- trying to slowly reintegrate children back into their families, where this is possible
- working with our children – either individually or in groups – helping to counsel them through difficult issues
- teaching other ROP staff how to interact with our children and solve problems in a positive and non-violent way
- carrying out workshops with our children on issues like sexual health, self-esteem and living independently
- helping the children to solve problems and deal with their emotions in a positive way
- advising and mentoring children who are preparing to leave, or who have left, the ROP
Both of our current social workers are male and serve as great role-models to our children. They are experienced social workers, always hungry for more training, who add great value to our program.